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- 大晦日に惑星パレード
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- 惑星パレード
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- presented by tsuyoshi shinjo
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- my SDGS
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- 3連続ジョグ
- 復帰第2戦
- w杯決勝トーナメント進出!
- 復帰ウォーク
For you, who watch Pamilya at Kurume City Plaza.
ramaturg." In German, this term refers to a role who escorts a theatrical art work to
earcher by profession, I teach and write at a university. I always face the fact that researchers, espe
in humanities, are disliked. Researchers who work with numbers sometimes criticize us of being 'Less objective
research' or 'Whether it is reproducible. What is more difficult is that many researchets have the field as an object of
study, but if we misjudge the distance to the feld, people in the field often drive us into the corner saying "you are
exploiting the field from a researcher's viewpoint". Some say "Why should sentences cut out of like that?"
There are various objections by researchers against above opinions. I myself believe that researchers in humanities
to create new knowledge that those who are in the field can* t find out by themselves, by carefully vi
'rationality of the others, ie, the fields' unique rules or tacit understandings that can't be explained in other fields.
Consequenty, researchers cut out things that people in the field do not likely to cut out, compare them with existing
theories, ideas, or customs, and consider them by citing. This is the standpoint of researchers.
for Pamilya reads as follows:' the nursing care field into the stage.' Of course, what Takuya M
time is not the same as what researchers usually face. But I think that the way of thi
struggling points are somewhat similar. Because this work is made in a documentary-like way.
may not necessarily portray the truth, as with documentaries on TV or in films. Because
by someone's point of view and processed to fit the TV screen or the film screen.
t is quite natural. Here is not a room, bathroom, dining room, or recreation room in an aged pe
heatre, the C-Box at Kurume City Plaza. How can reality be recreated in this place? H
ogues,lights and gestures are very carefully adjusted in advance of the play. Of course, there
remained daily affairs as a prerequisite.
able part of both the research and the work is critique. It is not merely criticizing. To say
roces to struggle to think what value the object has for someone, when one looks at. And it is son
ting it into words. Furthermore, it is up to you, the audience, to decide what the work m
different persons with different backgrounds and different histories. Even if you see the sam
the person next to you feels and what you feel are quite different. I think one of the functions of a theatre is to be
able to notice such natural things. There is a meaning on sitting next to each other, with your knees close together,
and watching the work together.
It is the space where people from different backgrounds can look at one thing and get different ideas.
The freedom and diversity of viewing experience are just as important as the freedom of expression, which should
be protected. I hope you feel so by sharing this time.
Please enjoy your time at the theatre.
Dramaturg Yuichiro Nagats
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
Yuichiro Nagatsu is a researcher who accompanies people to artistic opportunities where diverse relationships a
formed. He specializes in arts management and cultural poliey, and is particularly interested in Japanese tren
regarding artistic activities for people with disabilities In addition, he is a practitioner in education for practical my
skills and workshops, and management and producing in the field of theatre and dance
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